Argos X: The Next Step in the Evolution of Evisions Argos

Take look at Argos X! New from Evisions, Argos X takes Argos – the enterprise reporting solution trusted by higher ed – and modernizes the Web Viewer (but that’s not all…). What does this mean for you? It means an improved user experience, enhanced functionality, and a new foundation for cloud-enabled technologies and integrations. Most importantly, Argos X reduces the technical skill barrier to reporting – enabling users of varying skill levels to be more productive and make data-informed decisions.

By viewing this recorded webinar, you’ll:
– Gain a clearer picture of what Argos X is
– Understand why we built it (and how users like you played a significant role)
– Find out who will use, and benefit, most from it
– See a demo of Argos X in action
– Learn how you can start using Argos X