While every college and university requires some degree of reporting, many find they need more than reporting alone to meet their needs and attain their goals. Often, special applications are required to address critical tasks, projects, and processes. SUNY Oneonta is one such institution. This mid-size, four-year, public college in central New York is able to address their reporting and application needs using Argos – the robust and versatile enterprise reporting solution from Evisions.
In this presentation, Todd Evans, Interim Director of ITS Enterprise Application Services at SUNY Oneonta, dives into their use of Argos applications. He walks through three specific examples (including what these processes and projects would have been like without using Argos):
- Data Access Audit – The College needed a way to perform Banner account audits. This included being able to distribute the effort, hold departments accountable for their decisions, and enable each department to indicate which accounts to keep or delete.
- SQR Conversion – SUNY Oneonta had a large SQR conversion project. It needed to be able to track progress of each SQR conversion with regard to notes, programmer assignments, and status.
- Health Screening – The College needed a way for the HR department to track compliance with daily health screening surveys, including the ability to report by division, department, and title.