On Demand Webinars

View recorded webinars presented by Evisions experts or by your peers in the Higher Education industry.

Argos X: The Next Step in the Evolution of Evisions Argos

Take look at Argos X! New from Evisions, Argos X takes Argos – the enterprise reporting solution trusted by higher ed – and modernizes the Web Viewer (but that’s not all...). What does this mean for you? It means an improved user experience, enhanced functionality,...

Making Reporting from Colleague Easier

Are you struggling to access and report on key data from Ellucian Colleague? If not struggling, do you think it could at least be made a little easier? Evisions is making that happen! We are creating a number of pre-built Argos DataBlocks that address key reporting...

Get a Clearer Picture of Colleague Updates With Argos

Often, trying to review updates that have been installed within a Colleague environment can be a challenge. Locating and researching installed updates within Colleague involves several clicks and several screens in order to see all of the information regarding each...

Enhancing Student Reporting and Support with Argos

In this on-demand webinar you’ll learn how Grand Valley State University uses Evisions Argos to not only improve data usage to support their students but also how Argos helps empower functional users when it comes student data and reporting. Nick Bromley, Workday...

Key Tips and Tasks for a MAPS Admin

Are you a MAPS Admin (DBA or Advanced DataBlock Designer) who could use some information and insights on setup, configurations, maintenance, and other key tasks? Then watch this on-demand webinar where Michael Cox, Sr. Database Analyst at Oakland University, covers an...

Building Banner-less Student Bills with Argos

Building Banner-less Student Bills with Argos

The business office at Blinn College wanted to limit the number of individuals with access to the TSRRBILL process in Banner. Yet, there are times when employees in admissions and records, finance, and the business office need to print a student bill based on a...

Pointing You to the Right Evisions Resources

Pointing You to the Right Evisions Resources

You already own one or more Evisions solutions (Argos, FormFusion, IntelleCheck, etc.). Now, where do you turn if you have a question about a particular feature? About your upcoming contract renewal? What if you run into a technical issue or if something in your...

An In-Depth Look at Traditional and RCM Budget Reporting With Argos

An In-Depth Look at Traditional and RCM Budget Reporting With Argos

Dive deeper into budget reporting as Ball State University shows how it leverages Argos to report on two unique facets of Higher Education budgeting: • A traditional budget-to-actuals variance based strictly on the University’s chart of accounts. These reports include...

UNCA Goes from ‘Red Alert’ to On-Time Alerts With Evisions Argos

UNCA Goes from ‘Red Alert’ to On-Time Alerts With Evisions Argos

The University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA) had a process in place to alert a student, as well as their advisor, when that student’s grades were not meeting the necessary performance levels. However, the process was manual, extremely time consuming, and prone...

System and District Reporting With Argos

System and District Reporting With Argos

Many public institutions must submit regular reports to a district or system office. Not only is this done to maintain accurate records, but it’s required in order to receive state and federal funding. In this on demand webinar, Bettsie Montero (Senior Computer...

Budget Reporting With Argos

Budget Reporting With Argos

Whether it’s the business world or Higher Education, having an up-to-date and accurate budget is vital. Therefore, it’s equally important to be able to view real-time budget numbers and/or view regular budget reports, depending on your role. Morrie Walworth, CFO at...

Aiding Retention and Student Success With an Argos Dashboard

Aiding Retention and Student Success With an Argos Dashboard

State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (SCF) uses Evisions Argos in a simple – yet valuable – way to aid their efforts toward student retention and success. In this on demand webinar, Stacey O’Donovan (Research Analyst at SCF) walks through a dashboard that,...

Data HealthCheck: Tips to Monitor & Govern Your Data

Data HealthCheck: Tips to Monitor & Govern Your Data

Rhoni Ryan (Director, Administrative Information Systems) and Patrick Kelly (Associate Director, Administrative Information Systems), from Swarthmore College, share their story of how Institutional Research (IR) and Information Technology (IT) collaborated to keep...

Argos for Applying, Monitoring and Troubleshooting User Security

Argos for Applying, Monitoring and Troubleshooting User Security

Data security is as important as ever within Higher Education. In this on demand webinar, Frank Abney, Director of Enterprise Applications at Eckerd College, examines two aspects of using Evisions Argos for security: 1) Banner application-level security in Argos, and...

Building Better Data Governance

Building Better Data Governance

‘Data Governance’ is a term that can cause even the most data-conscious institutions to shudder. But it doesn’t have to be scary or daunting. A little planning, paired with governance tools, can go a long way towards your campus better understanding and utilizing your...

Reports in a Flash: Giving Your Users Timely, Consistent Data

Reports in a Flash: Giving Your Users Timely, Consistent Data

The IT department at Niagara County Community College faced a few problems: 1) There were inconsistencies when users from different departments compared data; 2) Outside of IT, some data calculations were being performed manually; 3) Their users often put in IT...

Getting Up-to-Date Data is as Simple as Opening a Web Page

Getting Up-to-Date Data is as Simple as Opening a Web Page

Missouri State University is using Evisions Argos to embed dashboards and reports in web pages. Instead of constantly having to ask IT to run reports for them, or running the reports themselves, key administrators and decision makers can simply open a customized web...

Argos Applications: When Reporting Alone Isn’t Enough

Argos Applications: When Reporting Alone Isn’t Enough

While every college and university requires some degree of reporting, many find they need more than reporting alone to meet their needs and attain their goals. Often, special applications are required to address critical tasks, projects, and processes. SUNY Oneonta is...

Encapsulating an Entire Process in Argos

Encapsulating an Entire Process in Argos

Idaho State University explores how Evisions Argos can corral an entire process. Lindsey Peterson, Systems and Data Management Director at ISU, examines how - besides querying the relevant data - a creative use of Argos’ buttons, memos, tabs, and data aware fields can...

Higher Education Impact: Including IT at the Executive Table

Higher Education Impact: Including IT at the Executive Table

In our July 2021 blog (see link below), we interviewed three higher education leaders from different institutions and backgrounds. They offered their diverse perspectives on the positive impact of having an information technology representative at the executive table...

One Dashboard to Rule Them All! (Giving Your Users What They Need)

One Dashboard to Rule Them All! (Giving Your Users What They Need)

Do your users run multiple dashboards to gather the information they need? Are your users’ inboxes flooded with scheduled email updates each day? Consider creating one dashboard to rule them all (apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien)! With this one dashboard, you'd provide...

Argos Helps Us Be More Like Amazon

Argos Helps Us Be More Like Amazon

Students order a package from Amazon and it is delivered the next day. So it's no wonder they don't understand why they have to wait 2-3 business days for an enrollment verification letter. “If only we could move at the speed of Amazon.""But wait, with Evisions Argos,...

Automating Transfer Credit Notifications Using Argos

Automating Transfer Credit Notifications Using Argos

At colleges and universities, transfer students often ask two very important questions: "How will I know when my credits are transferred?" and "How do I know how each course transferred?" Learn how Southern Utah University (SUU) uses Evisions Argos to answer those...

Argos and Colleague: Reporting Key Data at Jacksonville University

Learn how Jacksonville University (JU) uses Evisions Argos to access and report on key data from Ellucian Colleague. In this on demand webinar, Jon Baugh, Assoc. Director of Enterprise Applications at Jacksonville University, dives into their reporting process as it...

Joining PostgreSQL and Oracle Data in Your Argos Dashboard

Joining PostgreSQL and Oracle Data in Your Argos Dashboard

Would you like to speed up dashboard load times? Do you find your queries constrained by character limits or by the lack of customization available? Do you need to join PostgreSQL data with your Banner Oracle Data (or, more generally speaking, insert data from one...

Higher Ed Finance: Let Evisions Argos Do the Heavy Lifting

Higher Ed Finance: Let Evisions Argos Do the Heavy Lifting

The Finance Department at a college or university often has to analyze large data sets to produce useful and actionable information. A couple of typical examples are the deferral of revenue, such as tuition deferrals, and assessing bad debt expense in compliance with...

Meeting Reporting Demands With Argos: A Collaborative Effort

Meeting Reporting Demands With Argos: A Collaborative Effort

When it comes to data and reporting, Utah State University has a large user base (2,000+). These users expect high performance from the reports they receive. They also want them quickly and seek immediate help should they encounter problems along the way. This can...

Using Argos for Contact Tracing at BSU

Using Argos for Contact Tracing at BSU

Bridgewater State University is expecting students and visitors to campus this fall. In the age of Covid, safety is paramount and the university found a way to log visitors and facilitate contact tracing using Evisions Argos. This presentation outlines how BSU uses...

Increase Efficiency by Leveraging Argos

Increase Efficiency by Leveraging Argos

Did you know you can leverage Evisions Argos to consolidate data from multiple Banner pages into a concise format that will increase efficiency at your institution? See Samford University’s One Stop Dashboard and learn how they consolidated data from over twenty...

UNC Pembroke: Selecting and Implementing Argos

UNC Pembroke: Selecting and Implementing Argos

UNC Pembroke walks us through their process for selecting and implementing Evisions Argos as their campus-wide reporting solution. First, they discuss what stood out during the selection process, highlighting their experience during the trial period and their...

Work the Body (of an Email) with Argos

Work the Body (of an Email) with Argos

Do you want added convenience when it comes to emailing query results using Argos? Did you know those results can be shown in the body of an email rather than (or in addition to) an attachment? This capability is perfect for automated data quality audits. It’s also...

Advanced Schedules in Argos

Advanced Schedules in Argos

Want to make the most of your schedules? Bryan Fortriede from Ball State University shows you how! You'll learn some advanced skills, solutions to various scenarios and needs, and how to setup distribution lists. Also, you'll get tips on reducing the size of...

Data, Data Everywhere (Plenty of Drops to Drink)

Data, Data Everywhere (Plenty of Drops to Drink)

Data, Data Everywhere (And It's Not About to Shrink)Data, Data Everywhere (Plenty of Drops to Drink) With apologies to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, we realize that a higher ed professional "surrounded" by data isn't quite as dangerous or intriguing as an ancient mariner...

Improving Campus-wide Communications with Evisions Argos

Improving Campus-wide Communications with Evisions Argos

In this on demand webinar, Blinn College discusses its use of Evisions Argos to improve how administrators communicate with faculty and staff. The presentation looks at the following five communications practices from Human Resources, Institutional Research, and other...

Argos & MAPS 6.2: What’s New

Argos & MAPS 6.2: What’s New

With the release of version 6.2 (May 23, 2019), Argos and MAPS clients have improved capabilities for accessing additional data sources, as well as a new report option. These new functionalities are the focus of this webinar: • Salesforce Connector - Learn how you can...

Maintaining Higher Ed Compliance in This Information Age

Maintaining Higher Ed Compliance in This Information Age

Maintaining compliance is always a top priority for college and university administrators. It affects funding, reputation and - most importantly - enrollment. There are multiple categories of compliance as well, including IPEDS and the NCAA. The Common Data Set...

Using Argos for Data Driven Decisions in Academic Affairs

Using Argos for Data Driven Decisions in Academic Affairs

At the College of Coastal Georgia, Technology Services partnered with the Office of Academic Affairs to develop a robust assortment of Argos datablocks in an effort to enhance the data driven capabilities of the College. This collaboration has transformed several...

Eyes and Ears Please! (We’re Talking About Higher Ed Data.)

Eyes and Ears Please! (We’re Talking About Higher Ed Data.)

Data access and reporting has come a long way!As it relates to the five senses, data access and reporting was always about sight. Does the code read correctly? Does the data display properly? Do the tables and charts look like they make sense? While the visual aspects...

Argos & MAPS – What’s New in 6.1.1 (Clustering)

Argos & MAPS – What’s New in 6.1.1 (Clustering)

MAPS and Argos version 6.1.1 offers some key improvements. Foremost among these is the optional clustering feature designed to support high-availability, increased performance, redundancy, and to improve maintenance options. In this presentation you'll get an...

Schedule Your Reports – Not Your Life – Away

Schedule Your Reports – Not Your Life – Away

You’ve already created your Dashboards and Reports in Argos, but what’s next? Do your users have to log in to run the same report day after day, week after week? Do you need to send these reports to users that may not have access to, or just don’t use, Argos? The...

Changing Reporting Tools: Making the Transition

Changing Reporting Tools: Making the Transition

You’ve completed your self-evaluation, made the decision to change reporting tools, and have selected your new solution. Now what? In part 2 of this two-part webinar series, we discuss the necessary considerations and steps for making that transition. We’ll look at...

Best Practices for Reporting Across Campus

Best Practices for Reporting Across Campus

Different departments on campus have different goals, and thus have different reporting needs. By being aware of those departmental goals, initiatives, and metrics – as well as the obstacles faced along the way – you can better provide the data and reports required....

Streamlining Operations with Custom Applications

Streamlining Operations with Custom Applications

Learn how Houston Baptist University streamlined operations and improved student support by creating custom applications in Evisions Argos. Jeff Greenwood, Sr. User Liaison/Application Developer at HBU, examines applications pertaining to their student waiver process,...

Integrating Banner and Third-Party Data Using ODS and Argos

Integrating Banner and Third-Party Data Using ODS and Argos

This on demand webinar details University Hospital's efforts to combine Banner data and third-party data for reporting purposes using Evisions Argos and the Banner ODS. Two examples are presented: 1. How University Hospital uses Contract Compliance Manager to record...

Changing Reporting Tools: A Self-Evaluation

Changing Reporting Tools: A Self-Evaluation

We know it’s not something you want to hear but reporting tools don’t last forever. In part 1 of this two-part webinar series, we discuss potential reasons your institution may need to consider a new reporting tool. The goal is to provide you with some areas of focus,...

Expanding Reporting Beyond Multi-Column Listboxes

Expanding Reporting Beyond Multi-Column Listboxes

Learn how Blinn College has expanded its horizons by moving beyond multi-column listboxes for reporting. Amanda Clark, Dean of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, shows the different types of dashboards being used for executive level decision making. She ...

Data and Data Sources – A Deeper Dive

Data and Data Sources – A Deeper Dive

As technology advances, so does the data that resides within that technology. You need a way to deal with this increasing data complexity on three fronts: accessing the data, examining or validating the data, and reporting the data. By constantly evaluating and...

What’s New in Argos and MAPS 6.0

What’s New in Argos and MAPS 6.0

With the release of version 6.0 of Argos and MAPS, clients have improved capabilities for accessing and displaying data. Some of the key improvements this webinar covers are: Argos Connect: The newest advanced feature designed to improve management of both inbound and...

Increasing Grad Rates…One Collaboration at a Time

Learn how Jefferson State Community College sought to increase their graduation rates by using numerous tools, teamwork, and creative ideas. This webinar will spark your brain to begin to think about how to use the tools and resources that are right in front you to...

IPEDS Surveys: Crunching the Numbers

It’s advantageous to know the numbers behind your IPEDS surveys We all know that IPEDS surveys comes down to numbers. From the data you’re reporting, to the hours spent completing the surveys, to the costs involved. Sure, you’ve thought about these numbers from time...

Organized & Accurate Reporting in La Salle’s Admission Office

Hear from La Salle University as they discuss why and how they are using Argos in their Office of Undergraduate Admission. They cover: What reporting was like previously, using MS Access Their process for evaluating and implementing Argos How they are using Argos for...

Using Argos to Do Your Banner Updates

Ready for a different spin on how Evisions Argos can be used at your institution? Having already slayed the “we need reports” dragon, the College of Mount Saint Vincent decided to put Argos to use in a different capacity. Join us as Thomas Walker, Associate Systems...

Making Life Easier with Argos

Making Life Easier with Argos

The University of Georgia looks at two examples of how they use Argos to meet institutional needs and streamline processing of student data over what baseline Banner provides. The first example is Financial Aid Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)...

Data Governance: An Analysis to Prevent Paralysis

Data governance is essential to trusting your data Like any organization, your institution relies on data to function and grow. Data governance is the way to ensure that the data you’re using is available, usable, trustworthy, and secure. Generally speaking, data...

Reporting Right Now with Argos

Access to immediate, accurate, and consistent data is essential to the goals of serving our students and providing continuous process improvement. Learn first-hand how Lansing Community College is using Argos, the enterprise reporting solution from Evisions, and how...

Understanding Information Design in Your Data Ecosystem

Understanding Information Design in Your Data Ecosystem

Ensuring your data is presented cohesively will help you make better decisions. It’s not just the data itself that impacts decisions at an institution. Data visualization, or how that data is presented for analysis and use, can be equally impactful. Cohesiveness...

Putting Advancement End-Users in the Data Driver’s Seat

Hear how Advancement Services at The Principia delivered a method for end-users to extract complex mailing lists without needing a programmer. With the incredible help of Evisions’ Professional Services, The Principia’s fundraising staff was able to meet a critical...

Using Data to Inform Veteran Education Policies and Programs

Do you know who your veteran students are? Does your institution use veteran data to inform veteran education policies and programs on campus? In this presentation, Janae Peterson demonstrates how Middle Tennessee State University is doing this on a daily basis using...

Why Metrics Matter in Higher Education

Why Metrics Matter in Higher Education

Higher Education institutions are not only trying to enroll, retain, & graduate students, but they’re trying to do it with less funding and in less time. In this webinar, we look at the importance of understanding the numbers behind the trends they see on campus...

Answering Enrollment Management Questions with Argos

Hear how Jacksonville State University successfully uses Argos to access Banner® by Ellucian and Ellucian CRM Recruit to assess their recruiting and enrollment efforts. Find out how they are accessing multiple data sources and then using that data to evaluate...

UNC Asheville Improves Enterprise Reporting with Evisions Argos

UNC Asheville Improves Enterprise Reporting with Evisions Argos

Evisions invites you to watch an informative presentation from your peers at UNC Asheville. Come and hear why they selected Evisions Argos as their enterprise reporting solution, their thoughts on the implementation process, and some of the benefits they have since...

Conversions: A Plan for Success

Changing reporting tools can be a huge process. This webinar examines reasons to consider changing your enterprise reporting tool, what you need to know to convert queries and reports from one tool to another, and why the conversion process is also a good time to...