Argos on the Road

Evisions is taking Argos on the road! That’s right, we’re packing up our DataBlocks, tossing our Data Dictionary in the car, and stocking up on OLAP Cubes! Argos on the Road is a new roadshow series from Evisions in which we bring Argos to you, the users.

Each roadshow will provide Argos users of varied experience levels the opportunity to build their skills through immersive hands-on work in Argos. We’re talking real-world projects and problem solving led by Evisions Argos experts. Argos on the Road will also feature opportunities for discussion and networking.


Argos on the Road will be stopping to refresh and refuel – both ourselves and our users – in three cities during this roadtrip. We hope you’ll make plans to join us at one of the following rest stops:

Irving, TX

September 29, 2024

Long Beach, CA

November 6-7, 2024

Berkeley Heights, NJ


June 2-3, 2025
