Higher Education Impact: Including IT at the Executive Table

Higher Education Impact: Including IT at the Executive Table

In our July 2021 blog (see link below), we interviewed three higher education leaders from different institutions and backgrounds. They offered their diverse perspectives on the positive impact of having an information technology representative at the executive table...
Argos Helps Us Be More Like Amazon

Argos Helps Us Be More Like Amazon

Students order a package from Amazon and it is delivered the next day. So it’s no wonder they don’t understand why they have to wait 2-3 business days for an enrollment verification letter. “If only we could move at the speed of Amazon.””But...
Automating Transfer Credit Notifications Using Argos

Automating Transfer Credit Notifications Using Argos

At colleges and universities, transfer students often ask two very important questions: “How will I know when my credits are transferred?” and “How do I know how each course transferred?” Learn how Southern Utah University (SUU) uses Evisions...