The IT department at Niagara County Community College faced a few problems: 1) There were inconsistencies when users from different departments compared data; 2) Outside of IT, some data calculations were being performed manually; 3) Their users often put in IT...
The Finance Department at a college or university often has to analyze large data sets to produce useful and actionable information. A couple of typical examples are the deferral of revenue, such as tuition deferrals, and assessing bad debt expense in compliance with...
Texas Southern University has transformed how data is shared across campus. See how Evisions Argos has been used to develop customized reports and dashboards that are accessible to University Administration, Student Accounting, Financial Aid, Admissions, Registrar’s...
Lawrence Technological University created a Student Success Initiative project to replace and combine several applications into a comprehensive system to share information between students, advisors, faculty, coaches, and other student support departments. This...
Did you know you can leverage Evisions Argos to consolidate data from multiple Banner pages into a concise format that will increase efficiency at your institution? See Samford University’s One Stop Dashboard and learn how they consolidated data from over twenty...