Data HealthCheck: Tips to Monitor & Govern Your Data
Rhoni Ryan (Director, Administrative Information Systems) and Patrick Kelly (Associate Director, Administrative Information Systems), from Swarthmore College, share their story of how Institutional Research (IR) and Information Technology (IT) collaborated to keep...
Argos for Applying, Monitoring and Troubleshooting User Security
Data security is as important as ever within Higher Education. In this on demand webinar, Frank Abney, Director of Enterprise Applications at Eckerd College, examines two aspects of using Evisions Argos for security: 1) Banner application-level security in Argos, and...
Building Better Data Governance
‘Data Governance’ is a term that can cause even the most data-conscious institutions to shudder. But it doesn’t have to be scary or daunting. A little planning, paired with governance tools, can go a long way towards your campus better understanding and utilizing your...