You already heard about the discovery process needed to assess whether or not training will be an effective solution to your reporting problems. Once you’ve decided it is necessary, the next key step is to establish a training goal. After all, once the goal is...
The starting point for all your reports is the report tree. It contains the tools you use to make budget decisions, analyze departmental trends, run course and student database applications, and more. It is an unassuming, yet important, place for reporting. Without...
Requests for new reports and dashboards are constant. You’ve been able to manage for a while, but now you are starting to realize that the amount of work piling up is more than your team can handle in its current state. This leaves you with two choices: hire on extra...
Our world today is swamped with data. More data than ever before is available to help us make decisions. Whether this abundance of information is actually helpful to decision-making or instead leads to analysis-paralysis depends largely on our system for prioritizing...
These days, it seems like everybody has an easy-to-access place to hold all the digital information that’s important to them. No, not smart phones! We’re talking about the personal data dump. It Starts With A Question It all begins innocently enough: the end-user...
Here’s a scenario that might sound familiar: There’s a medium-sized university that, in order to mail tuition bills to its students, must first jump through a dizzying array of hoops. Staff members spend weeks gathering relevant student information from their ERP....