Evisions + Ellucian: Renewing our Partnership

We are thrilled to announce the renewal of our partnership with Ellucian, extending our collaboration for another five years. This milestone marks 22 years of dedicated joint support to your institution’s educational mission. We are excited that the latest iteration...

FormFusion 4.1.3 Now Available

Evisions announces the release of FormFusion 4.1.3. With a continued eye on clients moving to Banner SaaS, this newest update to our document design and delivery solution introduces key enhancements to aid in that transition. API FormDirector This is a new...

2024 FormFusion & IntelleCheck Tax Announcements

The following are FormFusion and IntelleCheck updates that may be relevant to those doing 2024 tax preparations for their institutions. FormFusion FormFusion tax templates will be available mid-December, with a target date of Dec. 13th. Follow our FormFusion Tax page...

Argos and MAPS 6.12 Now Available

Evisions has released version 6.12 of Argos and MAPS. This update to our enterprise reporting solution and platform server focuses on expanding secure authentication and maintaining key reporting compatibility. SAML authentication for MAPS has been expanded to support...